Price: $262.62 offers high quality Rado Sintra Superjubile Blue Diamond Platinum-tone Ceramic Mini Ladies Watch R13580912 [013103] at the price of only $262.62, you may rest assure with the quality of our watches since we have set very strict quality standards and material controls to all our suppliers.
Before you go out and buy that cheap replica watch, ask yourself one question: Is it worth it?
If you are after the distinction and prestige that comes with a true luxury watch, but do not want to pay the thousands of dollars to get a real one, you may say to yourself, "I'll just get a replica watch. What the hey, they 'look' the same."
So, you decide to go down to the shady side of town, and you find a guy selling them out of a suitcase on the street corner. When you approach him, he takes a look around to make sure no one is watching. Then he asks you if you are the 'fuzz'. When you tell him that your not the 'fuzz', he cracks open his ten dollar case to show you the "goods."
In that little case you see some Tag Heuer, Rolex, and IWC knock offs. Each wrapped in cheap cellophane crinkle wrap. Some are ticking. Some are not. But it is the look that your after, not function. So what does it matter if they work or not?
You pick up the one that looks "real" to you, and what luck, it seems to be working just fine. The second hand is clicking around the face. It must be O.K.
You pull out the hundred clams that the guy told you this little chunk of look alike tin costs. As you hand over the cold hard cash, you look up and ask, "Does it come with a warranty?" He looks at you and smiles. "Sure kid," he says, "Ten seconds, or ten feet after purchase. Whichever comes first"
What a great deal you made. A real fake watch, that may or may not keep time. The only care instructions he told you as he slipped your hundred bucks into his shoe, was, "Don't get it wet."
You think to yourself, 'that shouldn't be a problem', as you pull off the plastic hologram sticker from the case back. Only to have the case back pop off with it. You turn around to ask the guy for your money back, but he is half way down the next block. Your warranty is gone.
So, why should you buy a cheap replica watch? Well, the answer to that question is a bit like the old Jeff Foxworthy, "You might be a redneck if..." jokes.
Why Buy a Cheap Replica Watch? To prove to your friends that the old saying, "A sucker is born every minute." is true.
Why Buy a Cheap Replica Watch? Because it represents your true worth.
Why Buy a Cheap Replica Watch? Because you do not have the honor or integrity, to do the right thing, and purchase a watch that you can afford!
Is that too harsh? Tough. Stop ripping off the hard work of others in an effort to portray yourself as something you are not. If you have one of those cheap replica watches, that is not worthy to bear the name that is on it, hanging from your wrist, then you are just as authentic as it is.
You do recognize that a replica watch costs you more than money don't you? It will cost you your integrity.
So again, ask yourself: Is it worth it?
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The drawback is that these watches do need maintenance from time to time other than that they are great, besides I like the ticking sound that they make.
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